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Channel Islands, Cherbourg Peninsula and North Brittany

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Cruising St Vaast to Ouessant

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Product Details

Part Number: PIL0409

Edition: 2023

Printed and corrected to: No

ISBN: 9781786793737

Publisher: Imray Laurie Norie And Wilson Ltd

Language: English

Author(s): Peter Carnegie, RCCPF

Author: No

Format: Hardback

This popular pilot guide covers the waters of the Channel Islands and the neighbouring French coast from the northeast of the Cherbourg Peninsula westwards along the Normandy and Brittany coasts to Ouessant. Coverage includes the Plateau des Roches Douvres as well as detailed sections on the navigable rivers.

Peter Carnegie’s detailed and extensive exploration of these waters over many years is illustrated by his many photographs and accompanying plans detailing numerous transits to aid safe navigation in these waters of high tidal range and fast-moving currents. Annabel Finding’s revision of the work includes updated port information and plans and a number of new photographs.

This sailing region can appear daunting to the first-time visitor, but ‘Carnegie’s book provides reassurance and so much practical advice that anyone using it will feel confident of success.' (Yachting Monthly). Whether for your first cruise or to assist you in exploring some of the more challenging passages and anchorages, this is the definitive cruising guide and a must-have companion.