Editions du Breil

Over the last 20 years, the company Éditions du Breil has created a collection of guides to the French navigable waterways. These guides are mainly intended for the boating fraternity but they are also used by cyclists and hikers setting out to discover the waterways.
All the guides are in colour and each one contains about 100 pages. The foolscap format leaves room for a maximum amount of information on each page.
At the beginning of each guide a whole chapter gives technical details of the network covered by the guide: the various different gauges, lock operation, cruising times between the different towns, waterways by-laws.
Another section at the beginning of the guide identifies the tourist attractions easily accessible from the waterways. A list of tourist offices with their addresses and web sites will help you plan your cruise in advance.
The texts are in English, German and French, each language occupying one column of the page of text.