
Navigation by Paul Boissier

Navigation by Paul Boissier

Tuesday 6th September 18:00 - 19:30 at Bookharbour, Shamrock Quay, William Street, Southampton, SO14 5QL

Tickets: £5

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How to navigate a submarine and how it made me a better yacht navigator.

A master of navigation and author of three books, (Mastering Navigation at Sea, Understanding a Nautical Chart and Learn the Rules of the Road) join us with Paul Boissier and the Bookharbour team Southampton, for our first exciting authors event.

Navigation is something very special. It’s half science and half art, with a dash of excitement thrown in by the unexpected... because something unusual always happens on a sea voyage. For Paul Boissier, navigation is challenging, timeless and an absorbing discipline that is endlessly rewarding – it’s a ticket to explore the other side of the horizon, and plot your own course over the sea – which is freedom like no other.

In his talk, Paul will reveal the triumphs and disasters over a lifetime’s navigating. He has a unique perspective having navigated in many parts of the world from high up on the bridge of a warship, close to the water in a cruising yacht and at depth in a submarine. After his Royal Navy career he was Chief Executive of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), often dealing with the consequences of poor navigation.

About the author

A professional navigator, Paul Boissier has spent much of his professional career working on the sea, or in support of the people who go to sea. Formerly a senior Admiral in the Royal Navy, he commanded and navigated warships and submarines in many parts of the world. He is also a very experienced yachtsman and has cruised extensively. Paul also spent 10 years as Chief Executive of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. He loves the sea and has had a lifelong fascination with charts and navigation. To date, he has written three books, all centring on his area of expertise, these are Mastering Navigation at Sea, Understanding a Nautical Chart and Learn the Nautical Rules of the Road.

The event will start promptly at 6.00pm.

Tickets £5 

Redeemable off the price of Mastering Navigation when purchased on the evening. Includes a complimentary glass of wine/soft drink.

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