
Total Loss 3rd ed

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Adlard Coles Nautical

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Product Details

Part Number: HIS0240

Edition: 2008

Printed and corrected to: No

ISBN: 9780713687835

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Language: English

Author(s): Paul Gelder

Author: No

Format: Paperback

An enthralling collection of dramatic stories of yachts lost at sea. From the tragic sinking of the yacht Ouzo, run down or swamped by a P&O ferry in the English Channel, to an eyewitness account of the wreck of Hooligan V. Here are gripping tales of collisions with UFOs (unidentified floating objects), fire, explosion, crew exhaustion, navigational blunders, capsize, gear failure, dismastings and severe storms. The moving, emotionally charged descriptions of shipwrecked sailors abandoning their yachts at sea will have you on the edge of your seat. But these accounts are more than just gripping tales of disaster - they carry valuable lessons which the survivors have been able to pass on to all who go to sea for pleasure. Every year, hundreds of yachts are lost at sea. For those who wish to avoid a similar fate, or learn how best to cope with emergencies, this book is a compelling, thought-provoking bunkside read.